I've been in contact with Peter Stathes and am still trying to decide what to do about my window felts or sweepers. He will make me a set up that are wiper style on the outside and original felt on the inside, no problem. The only thing is the neither the wiper or original felt seems to be wide enough to cover the gap on my quarter glass. I'm measuring 5/8" gap and the wiperstyle he suggests is a little less than 1/2" so I'm trying to decide what to do. The wiper style he suggests will work fine on the front glass, just not the quarters. I'd really like to get as good a contact as possible on the quarter glass to try and keep the crap and water out. The car has allready had body work done in the quarters, quite extensive in the passeenger side. I sure would like to keep it dry in there. I'm thinking of mixing wiper styles and building my own to get the best fit. My problem with that idea is the clips I have are old and weak. Can I get just the clips from someone and make my ! own? I guess I'll have to look into it. Of course I could do all this without posting to the list. I just thought it would be nice to have some posts show up that aren't the ranting and raving of someone who forgot to take their happy pill today! Any ideas on an easy source of the clips? Have a good day. Delete as needed! Mark Price