I've been trying to pin down this sound... A dying cow, huh? I grew up on a
cattle ranch/ hay farm / dairy/ sawmill opertion farm in the Black Hills and
have been trying to figure out what can sound like a cow in a car. They
either moooo-ed, nawwww-ed or bellowed. I've seen them die, too.
Must be something like a drawn out MOOOOO... huh?
Do you suppose somebody put an a-oogah horn on that old Rambler and the damn
thing just needs a little adjusting or a new battery? Or maybe need horn
adjustment. Maybe has been just been stuck too long.
Or maybe something to do with air intake, vibrating somehow.
Maybe just should get a second opinion there on that sound. Maybe get a piece of hose and make like the stethoscope thing...
Now that Bush is back... I let things like this bother me. I should get a
life, huh?