Justin, the Pacer almost shares the rear axle with the Matador and Ambo (same vintage -- 67-78). Gear ratios will have to be watched, and it's not a direct bolt in. The big cars used four link coil spring suspension, the Pacer leafs. You'd have to cut/grind the mounts off the big car axle then weld spring seats (available at most 4x4 shops) to it at the proper location. It's a lot of work, but if you can't find a Pacer axle it's an option. Have your friend check local drivelline shops. If the shop is pulling, rebuilding, and reinstalling the axle $1100 isn't way out there. You can save half by pulling the axle and taking it to the shop. R&R isn't hard for the money saved! -- Frank Swygert Publisher, "American Independent Magazine" (AIM) *Elite* publication for those interested in all aspects of AMC history,performance,restoration,etc . (AMC,Rambler,Nash,Hudson,Jeep,etc.) http:farna.home.att.net/AIM.html (free download available!)