Re: [AMC-list] amc bumper rechrome
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Re: [AMC-list] amc bumper rechrome

"I was quoted $275 each for my 71 Javelin bumpers and $375 each for my 73 Matador bumpers to get them rechromed and straightened. I have never had this done and was wodering if this was a reasonable price?"
Warning, not all bumper places created equal. There are 4 in Houston, and 3 
of them I would not let them chrome a go cart. Ted mentions: "
HI- On rechroming subject. Be sure it gets full treatment of copper/nickel 
plating before final plating. It is getting harder and harder to find good 
chrome plating because of laws and getting rid of waste material. I saw  an 
article on new German developed water plating with Jay Leno on you tube that 
might interest you. Don't know much about its durability either. They plated 
half a hood ornament and it sure looked nice but how long it will last is 
another story. Who ever you use; get a written guarantee of how long it will 
last. Most shops cut quality and rush job since few are still in business. 
Own 3 AMC Eagles along with vintage Mustangs and now a Dodge Shelby "FORDS 
Well without the Ford stuff (hee hee) some bumper places do mimimal work. 
See if you can get it in writing, some will not touch a bumper if any rust, 
so no warranty. They will do them, just no warranty. One place off Aldine 
Westfield here in houston years ago I had them do my 69 SC/Rambler 'wagon' 

figuring I would save $150 from other place that had done over 200 bumper for me, DC Bumper. It was like buying a computer from Best Buy. The manufacturer warranty good for one year, but on 366th day, the computer explodes and you screwed. Well, a year later I was fixin to go to work and noticed what looked like a leaf on front bumper it was actually peeling, had been 13 months. I called them and they said 'sorry'.
So like anything in life you get what you pay for and sometimes when price 
cheap you get sh*t work. Might look good at first, but wait until first 
thunderstorm and washes away or you put Meguires or Mothers chrome polish on 
it and  watch it bubble before eyes.
Google 'Bumper Boyz complaints' if you are even remotely considering them!
Eddie Stakes
713-464-8825 days
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