Re: [AMC-list] 304 manual transmission circa 71 or 72
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Re: [AMC-list] 304 manual transmission circa 71 or 72

Just had another thought, Sandwich maker stated the T150 came later, after 72. Could this be a T150 taken from another AMC and installed in the friends orange Javelin. If so, does the t150 use a pilot on the end of the input shaft and a bushing in the back of the crank, or does it key somehow similar to an auto trans' torque converter into the flange?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Armand Eshleman" <aje1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "AMC, Rambler, Nash, Jeep and family" <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AMC-list] 304 manual transmission circa 71 or 72

He told me the bell housing depth of both the Jeep T5 bell and the Javelin T14 bell are the same depth. If in fact the T14 hasn't been altered, it's a very good possibility that you're correct, the pilot bushings are most likely different sizes for each trans.
I think we need to look at the T14 and see if they didn't machine off the 
pilot part of the input shaft, machine a button receiver? and substitute 
some type of machined bushing/button to fit inside the crank keying area 
for automatics. I have to drive over to his place and get him to drag the 
T14 out of his parts pile.
We haven't given up on understanding this one yet !


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Ames" <ameskg@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "AMC, Rambler, Nash, Jeep and family" <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AMC-list] 304 manual transmission circa 71 or 72

AFAIK all manual trannys used a pilot hole and bushing. Perhaps the T-14 and T-5
have different sizes/lengths.


Quoting Armand Eshleman <aje1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

updated information

The 72 Javelin is reddish orange, has a transplanted 304 with a 3 speed
The 304 from the orange 72 has been removed wants to put that engine into
his Jeep with a T5.
The crank flange doesn't have a pilot hole for the bushing and input shaft
on the T5.
Does this mean that a T14 doesn't require a pilot hole and bushing?

trying to understand how unusual this crank might be if at all.

The white 1970 Javelin has a 304, came with the car, that crank has the
pilot hole. Easy swap for a T5.

Hope this clears it up.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Ames" <ameskg@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "AMC, Rambler, Nash, Jeep and family" <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AMC-list] 304 manual transmission circa 71 or 72

> One line says the 304 doesn't have a pilot hole, another line says it
> does.
> ?? You have 2 304s?
> The 3-speed is probably a T-14. References are at home.
> Ken
> Quoting Armand Eshleman <aje1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Friend of mine has had a 71 or 72 Javelin since his high school days >> in
>> the
>> early 90's.
>> Currently he wante dto swap the 304 out of htis car into his Jeep CJ >> with
>> a
>> 258 and a T5.
>> The 304 had a 3 speed manual behind it when in the Javelin. Might >> that
>> have
>> been a T150?
>> Anyway, the 304 doesn't have the pitol hole bored in the back of the
>> crank
>> that would receive the
>> pilot shank from the input shaft on the T5.
>> What gives?
>> I'm confused, I thoght all cranks came bored with the piolot hole for >> a
>> pilot bushing and could take
>> a manual transmission.
>> The 304 in the white Javelin has hole in th eback of the crank.
>> Help me understand what's going on here.
>> Thanks,
>> Armand
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