Re: FIRE! Plastic Eagle valve cover wanted
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Re: FIRE! Plastic Eagle valve cover wanted

Very interesting report Randy! The 2% failure rate isn't to bad from a manufacturer's perspective, not if the manufacturing savings is good enough. The dealers just have to deal with leaks. Over the first few years there were a few leaks, but the real problems cropped up when the cars were 4-5 years old and had lots of miles on them -- and now that they are 20+ years old. The few early high mileage cars, like some fleet cars, were probably written off as "hard use" cases. But still, the point is they KNEW FOR SURE that there would be some failures. 1-2% doesn't sound like much, but there is likely that many failures from all parts combined (all warranty issues) today, and this was just for ONE part. There would be 2% or so failures of other parts also, so the total failure rate (all parts combined) would be much higher for AMC. Sad.

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Independent 
Magazine" (AIM)
For all AMC enthusiasts
(free download available!)

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Tate, Randy" <Randall.Tate@xxxxxxxxx>
> n_covers.pdf
> Page 3.
> Would Honda and Toyota live with 2 percent failure rate? I think
> not..........

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Page 3.


Would Honda and Toyota live with 2 percent failure rate? I think not……….



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