Re: New AMC book....what would you like to see??
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Re: New AMC book....what would you like to see??
- From: "Gary Walker" <NashFlash@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 00:12:23 -0600
I really do not want to get into this. I have written enough in AMC
oriented publications in the past about hard copy data. Once again, I
will throw my opinion into the ring. This time I will not go into much
detail or look up very much data. The reason I don't want to do that is
the SAME reason I feel compelled to write this note. The hard copy stuff is
too time consuming to orient and often impossible to get to. I, for
example, have a lot of AMC books, literature, and AMC data ridden magazines
( Which are often wrong ) in two houses 130 miles apart. In either case I
would have to wrestle with stacks of magazines and books for days which is
what a computer is for in the first place !
Let me just ask you this to get us on the same track ;
What form of communication are we using now ? The computer, right ?
When we relate information to each other on the list, we critique it if
necessary, right ? OK. If you had bought it in the form of a book, you
would be using the data right or wrong and relating it to someone else,
right or wrong, and ordinary people in this hobby, ( I know ! ), and
relating erroneous data to the very people who build our parts. These
companies have many times in the past and to this day, manufacture AMC
racing and replacement parts according to bad data. My point is that data
on a website can be easily amended after collaboration and agreement, the
mistakes then forever gone and additional data added. For myself, I hope
that I will NEVER have to buy another AMC fact oriented book because they
ALL drive me crazy with all the mistakes which inevitably begin to
permanently permeate untruths. If done on a website, data can be affirmed
or corrected by the keeper of the site according to the proof provided by
participants in the project as questions arise.
The attempts at hard print have been extremely varied. I will note a
nice but extremely naive guy that said he would publish "All" data on AMC
and began by actually asking everyone what they thought the size was of ( a
particular small engine part which I will not name to prevent hurt
feelings ) . I mean gee, what the hell do you do with that ? The part in
question has literally dozens of dimensions which vary from year to year as
well as metallurgy data. Asking opinions is DEFINITELY not the way to go.
( But we all know that ). Many of us have SETS !, and I repeat SETS ! of
AMC originated or other hard core scientifically originated data in hard
form which can be accumulated to begin a * SEARCHABLE * data base.
( And yes, I will admit that some of this data will be faulty, even if it
came from a "Chilton"s or even our sacred "Performance American Style" by
AMC. ( More on that later if I don't give up or out first. ) There is
also the case of the two inch wide thumb on the keyboard. That can be
fixed too if on the net ! If left in print it is permanent. If kept under
review, it can be corrected. For myself, if you like to publish, then
stick to novels, short stories, or biographies ! I like them too ! In
my opinion, we do not need them here. Photo collections, on the other
hand, I feel may be desirable in hard copy for framing or postering for some
I have more, but I am stressed now.
Your Friend,
Gary Walker
Owner of some old sh----, I mean stuff
Includindinginginging I am tirrrrred
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