Insurance - Help!!
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Insurance - Help!!
- From: Archimedes <Freedom@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 19:15:32 -0400
AMC Fen,
I like to drive "driver" cars; and as such I do not need collision or
comprehensive insurance coverage. All I want is state minimum
liability-only coverage.
I have been told that liability insurance can be had ridiculously cheaply
from various antique car insurers.
However, I have spoken to a couple of the old-car insurance companies (JC
Taylor, etc) and they all want a perfect, fully-restored classic, as
opposed to a "driver".
I don't see the point in buying insurance through normal insurance channels
(State Farm, Progressive, etc), because I don't drive them but once in a
blue moon.
Does anyone have information on any insurers who will insure an old car,
liability only, limited use (both of my drivers have Virginia "limited use"
tags), CHEAPLY?
If you know of any, please email me direct at Freedom@xxxxxxxx or click:
-- Marc Montoni
P.S. Plase reply directl;y rather than to the list. I don't always have
time to read the list every day, and I might miss anything posted there.
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