[Amc-list] 71-74 Javelin AMX Registry - coming along
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[Amc-list] 71-74 Javelin AMX Registry - coming along

AMC Javelin owners,
I have much of the old database loaded into an excel model from Cliff
Danley's old paper lists (thanks Cliff). I picked up the phone and tried
to call all the 71 owners and found that many of the owners no longer
had the same phone number. Similarly, I tried doing a mass email to the
email addresses on hand and a lot of them were returned undeliverable.
In other words people (me included) get cell phones and get new internet
providers and things change over time. I almost have to re-find most of
the folks we had 4 years ago. 

For those of you out there that registered with Cliff and for any new
71-74 Javelin AMX owners who are unregistered, I encourage you to
contact me and let me get your car(s) into the database. At some point
later this year the DB will be fully electronic. I can make all the
information available to those who want a free copy. There should be
some interesting options information for everyone to enjoy.

One important disclosure; I will NOT share anyone's personal information
(name/address/phone number) now or in the future. If somebody wants to
contact somebody else and ask questions about a particular car, I will
get the proper permissions and you can correspond together via email. In
this way the folks who want to remain anonymous can do so and no one
will have to worry about being marketed to or being harassed because
they own a Javelin AMX. After what happened to Larry D a few weeks back
it made me realize that our cars are getting to be pretty attractive to
thieves for parts and other mayhem.

I have asked THEAMCFORUM to consider putting a place on their web site
for hosting Registries such as this and they are looking into it. It
would certainly make it easier to find the registries and get the cars
into the databases. I have also run a few large ads in the AMO asking
folks to contact me or Terry Weiner (weiner39@xxxxxxxxxxx) to get
involved. We've had some recent success but I feel like there are still
a ton of cars out there waiting to be loaded. I encourage any of you in
local clubs to nudge your buddies and have them contact me or Terry and
let's make a bunch more AMXs "present and accounted for".

Jeffrey Thomas
AMOA # 4004

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