Hello, I?m the guy that did the original scan and first posted the directory on the internet from the 1983 directory I got when I bought my SX/4. I am tickled about how much attention the list has gotten, particularly lately from Strohl at Hemmings and the AMC heritage forum. I do update my pages (http://homepages.ius.edu/steven/amc/dealer/index.htm) whenever someone emails me information, and have met and chatted with a good number of amcers as a result. My original listing has been copied a bunch of times and posted all over the internet, thus a bunch of different dealership directories with different information. I don?t mind the copies, and love the sites that improve on mine. I would welcome some sort of collaborative replacement. I like how the Heritage Forum works, where people can not only add a dealership but share memories of them (http://www.forum.route66rambler.com/). Strohl on he Hemmings blogs have a lot of neat AMC dealer stories too (http://blog.hemmings.com/). I?m inclined to keep my site up anyway though. Not to thread jack, but I have a similar idea of putting up a listing of 1000 or so AMC part numbers I?ve collected over the years (with tons of help from Fred Koos). It would be great if it were some sort of collaborative effort. Folks could upload their own part numbers. Pages from the parts books could be distributed then those numbers added. Any web savvy folks have any ideas? Maybe a sql database with a fancy front end, or xml, or just a huge static list? It would be a hit I?m sure (except with the people that sell the repo parts books). Steven Clark _______________________________________________ Amc-list mailing list Amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx http://splatter.wps.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/amc-list