A: Sounds like you guys are mixing up LPG (Low Pressure Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) which are about as related and different from each other as gasoline and diesel. CNG is piped to many homes at fairly low pressure and to fill the HEAVY tanks at home requires a special compressor that pumps it up to 6,000PSI to get enough volume in the equivalent to 20 gallon tank (weighing in the 200lb range empty) to drive most V8s about 50 miles. (with a dual fuel CNG/gasoline system. Straight CNG goes further) It would have to be chilled to well below -30 (IIRC. I may be off somewhat) to be kept as a liquid and would still be high pressure and any warming can cause it to expand exponentially! http://www.nexgenfueling.com/p_fs_lngvscng.html LPG is very cold when liquid (it starts to "boil" at -45C) and vaporizes as it warms up, but sits at less than 100 lbs pressure in a tank while liquid. http://www.shellgaslpg.com/site/page/14/lang/en Some homes have tanks of it for heating that require deliveries by truck (mine will soon too! $1.40 a gallon won't last forever!) From: hh7x@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: LPG in cars To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx Message-ID: <ADVANCES62SB2d9lP6B00000019@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On May 8, 2005 mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > Saw a post on using LPG in cars, and there are many > advantages to it. The main dis advantage is where to > fill up. Can't you just fill up at home? There is a > company that has produced a home filling station that > basically just lowers the pressure coming out of the > home line. Couldn't you just set up a "T" and use that > to hook up your filling station.....Russ ---------- The dis-advantage is not finding a place to fill up - a site I posted previously has a location finder - enter Zip Code or your location address & up comes a filling station address & hours of operation....... even a Map. The dis-advantage is the WEIGHT of the affordable fuel tank - all STEEL and weighs a TON. Sleegers has Tanks of Alloy that are used in the Canadian Crown Vic Ford Cruisers - mounted well forward of the rear bumper > just behind the back seat @ a 45degree angle. Custom Tank for your Matador of Lite Alloy ? $Five Thousand Big Ones. Until Detroit orders these en-mass and LPG is a moneymaker of the Petrolium Barrons > fahgeddahbouttit. Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry